Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Game 2 - 4/5/2005

Tigers 14, Royals 3

Today’s Bell Curve took a major turn for the worse. The Royals lost 14-3. Since the Pythagorean Formula is based on runs scored and runs allowed, it fell drastically to .052 which translates to a projected record of 8-154. That’s well over the 100-loss barrier we’re trying to avoid.

Things got off to a bad start with Joe Mays struggling in the first inning. Again, the opposing pitcher looked like Cy Young against the Royals' bats. The Royals were only able to scratch out 3 runs on 6 hits while the Tigers exploded with 14 runs on 19 hits. The Royals also pitched in with 2 errors. Things got really ugly in the ninth when Mike Wood gave up two homeruns. He followed the second homer by hitting the batter and getting himself ejected. Ugly.

Another off day tomorrow, then the World Series champion White Sox come to town. We’ll be at the game on Saturday. If nothing else, at least we can look forward to getting a Royals wristband when we walk in the gates.

The Bell Curve

Actual Record: 0-2
Runs Scored: 4
Runs Allowed: 17
Projected Record: 0-162
Pythagorean Record: 8-154
Pythagorean Winning %: .052

Let's go get 'em.

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